Our chakra system tells our story. It defines our character through our body, mind and spirit temperaments. How we use our chakras in our everyday life is indicative of their current energy flow. As well, we have chakra centres that are innate in our intelligence and others that were never properly developed due to family dynamics and history, physical issues, lack of experiences, inadequate energy intake and many other factors. Each chakra contributes to creating our moods, thoughts, beliefs, vitality level, emotions, relationships and even fantasies. How we use a chakra centre reveals its energy level, which in turn causes an associated reaction. In cases of long-term chakra imbalance energetic habits form, which cause energetic blockages on some level. Our chakras are interconnected to our personality (brain), body and aura. Every frequency that pulsates from us constitutes our aura field. From the thoughts in our mind to our feelings, physical issues and spiritual connections, all make up our aura. Our aura is made up of various colour vibrations, each colour with its own meaning and relationship with our physical and energetic bodies. To know yourself is to know your colours and your chakra flow. If a chakra is overactive the energy of another centre will be underactive. It is for the simple fact that we are 100% whole in our aura. The energy within our aura only can move from one chakra to another. No energy is lost or ever taken. Rather if one chakra is deficient, another will be in excess. These are the ebbs and flows in our system that influence our moods, thoughts and well-being.
When one centre is too active or too weak, then the energy distribution to the other chakras will be imbalanced (cause and effect). There are other factors that we have to take into consideration when studying our chakra system:
The openness of a chakra centre tells you how weak or how strong a chakra is. Also the closer the vitality of each chakra to one another, the greater the communication; versus, the farther the vitality the weaker the chakra system communication. For example, if the brow chakra is in excess then the imagination centre will be in constant action. This can cause people not to live in the present and the very real world, and spend more time imagining scenarios or living in fear of possible bad outcomes. COLOUR FREQUENCIES IN A CHAKRA CENTRE… (Other than the optimal energy or colour that belongs there) When you understand the frequencies that are resonating in a chakra area, then you can determine the patterns of consciousness or unconsciousness. Many conditions are hidden in our aura from past and often unconscious programming. Colours that do not belong to a chakra, tell us what the correlation is to the psyche and the possibility of what occurred.
Every chakra governs a major endocrine gland, a body network, several organs and a part of the brain. Through modern scientific computer technology we can now track aura and chakra imbalances – the Biopulsar-Reflexograph® is an advanced European organ, chakra and electromagnetic (aura) field medical diagnostic device. The Biopulsar allows you to monitor which chakra is continually weaker or overactive. For example, my profession relies highly on my communication abilities. Sometimes when I talk too much or teach a class my throat chakra falls drastically in energy and into a state of weakness. So I use “blue” aromatherapy and essences to assist me before, during and after my day. Colour vibrational energy methods help to keep illnesses at bay and chakras stronger.
- Feminine or masculine qualities
- Emotional or intellectual (left brain versus right brain) connection
- Physical or spiritual vibrations
- Extroverted or introverted individual characteristics
Understanding our chakra flow and any existing colour frequencies gives you concrete evidence of how you operate on a physical and energetic level. However, analyzing a chakra can be difficult without the help of technology. To learn the chakra system and colours in-depth takes years of study as there are so many factors. Diagnosing your chakra system can have its challenges. Even doctors don’t self-diagnose but rather get a second opinion or further testing to validate the cause of their own symptoms and problems. You may also ask how you can improve chakra power and the health of your aura. Quite simply you can use colour vibrational modalities to recharge, balance or energize/sedate a chakra centre. Depending on the chakra and the organ colours, a qualified chakra analyst can specifically tell you how you can treat your chakras through affirmations, visualizations, therapies, colour healing, certain foods and nutrition, etc. It depends on the imbalance itself and what has created it.
Basically, the whole of a person is addressed in a chakra analysis session.
To learn more book a chakra consultation with a qualified Chakra Therapist today!
*Written by Susanne Murphy, Aura/Chakra Expert